- We secured planning permission for the Worset 49.99MW solar + storage project near Hartlepool on 25th August 2021
- The solar farm will generate up to a maximum of 49.99MW, with the potential to power approximately 14,570 homes annually for 40 years, and will include 40MW of battery storage to reduce the pressure on the transmission network. Solar panels will be mounted on metal frames, secured to the ground by metal piles. The maximum height of the panels above ground level (AGL) will be 2.3 metres. The panels will face due south and will be dark blue or black in appearance. The bottom of the panels will be a minimum of 80cm AGL and they will be positioned in rows with approximately a minimum of three metres of space from front to back, to ensure the land can remain in agricultural use
- The Site is located on poorer quality (Grade 3b) agricultural land immediately south of the A179 road, to the south-west of the village of Hart. The Site is approximately 74 hectares in area and is located on gently undulating land in the open countryside, where it ascends gently in a westerly direction. The Site boundaries are partially contained by mature screening. Where there are lower hedges these will be allowed to grow up and where there are gaps new native species hedges and trees will be planted, to provide natural screening which is in-keeping with the surrounding area’s character. A range of biodiversity enhancements are proposed
- The development will be enclosed by a post and wire deer fence (maximum height 2.2m). Static CCTV cameras will be positioned along the fence line, at most every 50 metres, on poles no more than 3m high. There will be internal access tracks made of crushed, permeable stone, approximately four metres in width. No boundary screening (such as hedges or trees) will be removed, however small stretches of internal hedge may need to be removed or trimmed to provide access throughout the Site and to ensure the plant operates efficiently without undue shading
- There will be no permanent lighting associated with the operation of the Proposals. The Proposals do not require substantial earthworks. The public footpath will remain open at all times
- Access, traffic and transport issues will be carefully managed during construction in line with the relevant legislation, policy and guidance, with the Site being accessed from the A179 road to the north of the Site using the existing access which benefits from a suitable junction that would accommodate construction traffic. No construction related traffic is intended to enter the village of Hart